Mickey Rourke plays Randy “The Ram” Robinson a professional wrestler who was a major star in the 1980’s. Unable to let go of the glory days he experienced at the pinnacle of career, and now well pat his prime, he spends his weekends wrestling at various independent wrestling shows. After one of these shows he his approached by a wrestling promoter who wishes to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his most notable fight with the wrestler Ayatollah. Robinson’s first fight with this opponent sold out Madison Square Garden back in the day, so when given the opportunity he gladly accepts as he felt it was the perfect opportunity to get him back to the top of his game.
Rourke’s love interest throughout the film is Pam who is played by Marissa Tomei. Robinson spends his nights in strip clubs were he comes across Pam, she too is having a hard time as age is catching up with her and the clientele aren’t as interested as they once were.
During the film Robinson suffers a heart attack, this was due to a wrestling match he just had with an opponent who used barbed wire on him and made a mess of his chest. Because of the heart attack a bypass operation was necessary. Due to this operation Robinson is informed by his doctor that his weak heart couldn’t possibly take the strains of wrestling anymore. Robinson cancelled all his upcoming shows including the big 20th anniversary show. Having realised that his beloved wrestling career is well and truly over, Robinson decides to focus his attentions on Pam and his estranged daughter Stephanie (Evan Rachel Wood). However as he tries to get closer to Pam he is meet by rejection, her reason being, she didn’t want to get involved with any customer. He then decides to visit his daughter Stephanie, he is met by a frosty reception as he has been absent from her life for years now.
After all this rejection, Robinson with nothing left to loose decides he will take part in the 20th anniversary fight, even after the warnings he received from his doctor in relation to his health. Before the big match Pam realises her feelings for Robinson and rushes to the venue to stop him making a mistake. Pam pleads with him not to fight; Robinson still hurt from the rejection explains that he belongs in the ring and that his fans are his true family.
Before the fight Robinson gives a heartfelt emotional speech, it was as if he knew what was coming. Throughout the fight he shows signs of being unwell, his opponent offer’s to finish the fight early, but Robinson decides to continue on. He climbs to the top of the turnbuckle (corner of the ring) and prepares to dive onto his opponent.
In the final shot of the film Robinson is standing there in noticeable pain, with tear-filled eyes he looks around the crowd listening to them chant his name and cheering for him. And that’s it the rest is left to our imagination but I think the outcome is pretty clear.
I went to see this film last week; I didn’t really have any high expectations of it as it’s not usually something I would usually go to see. I was very superised by it; I thought the story line was wonderful, it was humerous at times and really tugged on your heart strings. Mickey Rourke was also amazing in it; he played the role to perfection. Honestly I’d give this film a 9/10, fantastic, I would advise anyone to watch it.
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